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All You Need Is Love. The Beatles Reggae Songs - Vinilo

All You Need Is Love. The Beatles Reggae Songs - Vinilo

1. Barry Biggs - and I Love Her
2. Barry Biggs - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
3. Barry Biggs - Let It Be
4. Barry Biggs - We Can Work It out
5. Errol Dunkley - and I Love Her
6. Errol Dunkley - You Will Never Know (I'll Be Back)
7. Jc Lodge - Blackbird 0
8. Jc Lodge - if I Fell
9. Owen Gray - if I Needed Someone
10. Owen Gray - Jealous Guy
11. Owen Gray - the Fool on the Hill
12. Susan Cadogan - Here Comes the Sun
Características Formato: Vinilo
All You Need Is Love. The Beatles Reggae Songs - Vinilo
  • Código: 5036436139927